Monday, September 3, 2007

Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about...

And others are talking, too! In the very short time since this weblog (blog) has been established I'm realizing, just as I had suspected, that I'm not the only one with something to say or questions to ask. Thank you all for your input on this subject, touchy as it is. There have been some very good points made on both sides of the proverbial fence and I have learned much from you so far. I hope some of you feel the same. More importantly, we are able to say what we came to say and know that it will be there tomorrow for others to read. I was a little reluctant to put this together but now I'm glad I did. I hope that it can continue on well past this subject and become a regular haunt (pardon the pun) for many of us.

I have to admit, this is my first and, so far, only blog I've created and I'm not sure if there is a way here for you all to start a topic of your own. I have added a link near the top, right of the page to a message board type of forum where anybody can create their own topics and reply to others. That was more of what I had in mind when I made this one. I'm not really creative enough to come up with new topics on a daily basis but will certainly keep this blog going with community news, issues, events and goings on as I come across them, or maybe just off-the-wall subjects I come across that may be of interest. Feel free to e-mail me with any ideas you would like to see here.

Please keep posting your comments under any subject here at this blog or over at the message board as often as you like and lets keep this thing going. Once again, Thank you all for your input!!


Anonymous said...

I found it quite interesting that you mentioned that you weren't going to censor items and remove them; however, I notice my post is missing, as well as Mr. Quinlain's......

Anonymous said...

I'm soooo sorry.....I found the others finally. I've not done this before, so had to figure out how to find them. Thanks ghostlady.

The Ghost Lady said...

LOL.. It's quite alright, I'm new at this, too. I assure you that I have only removed one post and that was one that was doubled, just to save space and reading time for others - absolutely no content was removed, nor will be. I certainly do not expect everyone to have the same opinions that I do (this is a very common occurrance for and this is not a one sided issue. I am eager to hear all sides, that's what I built this forum for. Thanks so much for your retraction!! :o)

Anonymous said...

I couldn't post under the message board unless I 'joined' so I am replying to one of the posts here....

I don't agree. I purposely built in a location that had deed restrictions because regardless of how we want to believe, people do let their properties go downhill. I live by some that are like that. I know when there was controversy before, it was mentioned that the first section of Mill Valley doesn't have deed restrictions and they keep property up. I beg to differ. Absolutely there are people who most definitely do so; however, I could point you to some addresses that don't. One person's shed has a large hole in it and looks horrible. It's unfortunate that it takes a written document for some people to keep up their property that they have paid such good money for.....Living next to people who don’t cut their grass, pull weeds, etc. –even though they are very able-bodied—is really aggravating. I do agree that neighbors should help neighbors and there needs to be lots more of that. Esor

Unknown said...

Just because someone is able bodied doesn't mean there's not something going on in their lives that is far more important than grass. The point in that you get far more bees with honey than vinegar. Also, there are some people just starting out that may not recognize "the rules" in the same way as you do. So, put yourself in their position. Would you rather have a nice person bring a fault to your attention by asking you if you need help or would you rather the HOA come pounding on your door like the upkeep police?

My point is that we all have a choice in how we initiate change. I completely understand your concern with property values and upkeep. I share them. However, I've found that a little bit of kindness goes a long way to improving property values.

For example, there's been a vacant house behind me for the last year. The grass was waist high. It was extremely difficult for me to get a mower back there due to the fence. I am very grateful that the people on either side took it upon themselves to mow the lawn every now and then until A little bit of working together, rather than complaining and doing nothing, was all that was needed.
The people involved in various aspects of the HOA have families, jobs,etc. This is a volunteer position. It should absolutely not take up so much of their time to go picking about our lives. However, if you complain about something you haven't tried to fix yourself then it's YOU who are sending them in to pick about our lives. Think about that? How much do you really want to be bothered? I'll bet that if I knew your address, I could find at least one violation.

I think the real question is this: what is the purpose of our HOA. This is OUR neighborhood and we should all have a say in what's important to us.

Anonymous said...

I'm not Esor, but if you knew my address, I guarantee you would find no violations. Also, I don't buy into someone just starting out not knowing the rules. When one becomes a homeowner, it is their responsibility to know things, just as it is someone's job to learn about traffic laws and so on. When someone said there were able bodied people and you mentioned they might have other things on their plate so to speak. This may be true, but we all have things on our plates. Again, that is the job of the homeowner, when they choose to buy a home, to provide proper upkeep. I personally do help out people and get along with my neighbors because I agree that you get more bees with honey. If it were a case of someone being sick or some other such issue, then it would be different, but just ignorning their property because they have too many irons in the fire is absolutely no excuse. While I definitely disagree with you, I respect your opinion.

Anonymous said...

Get far more bees with honey? Who the heck wants to attract bees? Personally I am allergic and would prefer to attract nice lady bugs who follow the restrictions :)

Why do so many people have this utopian view that we can 'all get along'? Are you kidding me? We are human beings...we need rules and guidelines to establish expectations and boundaries. It is in our nature.

FYI - Definition of Community...'A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government.'

Anonymous said...

You voted or Bush,didn't you? Seriously, what happened to the values of freedom in this country?

Anonymous said...

Hey Yoda person......can I use your ladder too? No, wait because if I go over the fence, I might fall into someone's above ground pool. Splash!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so sad...a Bush hating reference just because I talked about rules. Freedom comes with responsibility my is not a license to do whatever you want. Last time I checked Dems, Reps, and Inds passed laws :)

PS: The slight buzzing noise on your phone is not a wire tap. Trust me :)

Yoda's Taller Friend

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can use my ladder or climb on one of the metal sheds then swing on the visible satellite dish to the ground :)

Yoda's Taller Friend

Unknown said...

"FYI - Definition of Community...'A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government."

You need to check your dictionary again instead of picking the one arbitrary definition that fits your debate stance. Very poor tactic.

No, we don't all have to get along, but it's definitely in best interests of the COMMUNITY, if we respect each other and try to help out.

No one ever stated that boundaries or certain restrictions weren't beneficial. However, we DO have the rights and resources to change, modify, and amend some of those restrictions. We DO have the right to try and work with someone or offer help if needed. Obviously, nothing is ever absolute and there will be situations that cannot nor should be attempted to be resolved without either the HOA or the city's interventions.

Anonymous said...

Jaime, yes there are many various definitions of community one of which I used for my point. The definition I used was accurate and of course supports my stance. That would be the point.

Glad to see your passion and you are so correct about changing/amending the deed restrictions. All it takes is 2/3rd vote of members.

The people whining about the restrictions need to get out there and get the votes to get them changed/amended...plain and simple. Yoda says...“Do or do not... there is no try.”

Yoda's Taller Friend