Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Letter on the Mailbox

I received a letter on my mailbox yesterday addressed to “Fellow Association Members”. I’m sure many, if not all, of you received the same. The content of the letter is quite confusing to me since I did not attend the August board meeting to hear what went on for myself.

To recap, the letter stated that “Mr. Smith and Ms. Richmond … abused their positions of authority ... to “publicly humiliate my wife in my presence using racially charged words.” I know the Smiths vaguely and I find it very hard to believe that Steve Smith would do such a thing. Now, I’m not a friend of the Smiths, I only know them in passing, and I don’t even know Ms. Richmond or the author of the letter, Mr. Quinlan.

Mr. Quinlan, in response to whatever it was that was said (which was not explained in the letter at all!) claims that “Both Mr. Smith and Ms. Richmond believe they can act with impunity and are counting on your complacency of silence to make you an accomplice approving of their actions”. My response to this comment, Mr. Quinlan, is how dare you imply that I am an accomplice to actions that I am completely unaware of!! Although, I do understand your anger if something was said as you sort of describe.

Mr. Quinlan is planning to attempt to collect signatures in order to call a special meeting of the members in order to, in my words, impeach our Board. Please read your deeds before signing because the way it is described in the letter, your signature gives over voting proxy to Mr. Quinlan – is that really what we want to happen? I may be misunderstanding this part, but I personally will not sign. I will, however, plan to attend this special meeting.

I would very much like to hear from Mr. Quinlan, Mr. Smith, Ms. Richmond, or anyone who might have attended this meeting. Please, please explain what happened, in detail, so that I, and others, can make an informed decision.

Obviously I attempted to go into the WAMV association web site and see what was posted on the forum there, but it seems that sometime near the time of the August board meeting, the forum was removed!!! So here I am with my own forum – you can’t remove me from here!!! (And, I won’t remove you, either!)

~The Ghost Lady~


Anonymous said...

It's about time someone came to the fore. I never saw the original website, but I certainly have heard about it. I believe that what Ghostlady stated really needs to be looked into - way to go Ghostlady!

Anonymous said...

Ghost Lady,

Please identify your true identity. Hiding behind a pseudonym does nothing but breed suspicion as to your true motives.

This is one of the problems with this community; a few anonymous home owners throw stones and scare aware the rest of the Association members. All communication between Association members should be open, honest, transparent and respectful-when respect is earned.

My wife and I have never hidden our identities or even where we live. If anyone has questions about the incidence, he or she knows where to find us.

The title of the original forum posting was “A Word on Words” indicating the power that words can have, such as the use of “code words”; words that convey an implication about an identifiable group that creates loathing and disgust towards them. An example would be the residents of Fawnmeadow characterized as “FawnGhetto” by Mr. Smith. What images are conjured up when you think about the word ghetto? What assumptions are made about its residents? What was Mr. Smith saying about my wife?

My wife and I did not find it funny. Most of the residents on Fawnmeadow we were able to talk to on Saturday Sept. 1 did not think it funny. It is, however, representative of the type of “humor” Mr. Smith thinks funny. And this is the individual who represents the community, using his position as Board President to make “jokes” like this in a public forum.

As to your sense of indignation, Ghost Lady, I can only reply that this is reminiscent of the indignation German citizens felt when told they were collectively responsible for the slaughter of six million Jews.

As it has been repeated many times, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

Terrence Quinlan
1851 Creekview Drive

The Ghost Lady said...

Thank you, Mr. Qinlan, for the opportunity to identify myself but I have had my time in the "Association Spotlight" quite some time ago and due to personal reasons I do not wish to be there again, at least not at this time.

I created this blog and the message board attached so that the residents of this community could feel comfortable coming forward to talk about issues and goings on in the neighborhood, or to chat about whatever they like, or to make friends - whatever they wish to use this forum for. If someone wishes to remain anonymous, for whatever reason, I will not question their intentions, nor will I answer for mine.

Thank you, also, for shedding a speck of light on the situation surrounding the letter you passed around. I do not support any kind of racial slander but without knowing what was said, I cannot support an accusation of such either. I hoped that something was posted on the association's message board about this, but I did not have the opportunity to find out because it was removed. I simply feel my neighbors and myself have a right to know what is going on, and hopefully get all sides of the story, before deciding to sign over their proxy votes to one side or the other or before casting their own votes.

As for my "indignation" - I will only answer that I am not angry, rightiously or otherwise, not like the Germans or the Jews - whatever you meant by And as for the good men doing nothing in order for evil to triumph, I can certainly find more evil in this world to worry about than a quarrel between a few neighbors. I just wish to be informed before I'm asked to join in the quarrel and in that quest for information, maybe I am one of the "good men" doing something for the benefit of not only myself but for others in giving them this sounding board.

thatgirl said...

Mr. Q - you need a sense of humor. I know several people on Fawn Meadow who thought the comment was funny. I was more offended by your letter. You obviously don't have enough to do with your time and feel like you have to drag everyone into your personal issues. Please do not drag us into your battle with the HOA and quit leaving letters on our mailboxes. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hello neighbors. If you go to the origional WMV site, it is explained in detail what happened the day in question, and what happened previously with Mr. Quinlan and the HOA. With that said...I can't think of anyone I know that would have been offended, including my boss/best friends husband that is black or my neice that is black also. I ran the situation by them both of them to get their opinion and they both thought that Mr. Quinlan had bigger issues and too much time on his hands. I understand that certain things can be offensive to people, and you can't deny a person the opportunity to feel that question is this. Why did Mr. Quinlan not go to Mr. Smith after the meeting, man to man and express his feelings to him then and there? It would have been resolved that second. Why does he feel the need to spew HIS obvious racial issues with an entire neighborhood because as he put it "for the past 20 years I have allowed myself to suffer at the hands of individuals who have used my wife's race as a way of attacking me....." Are you serious? The ONLY thing Mr. Smith said in that meeting was a comment about "Fawn Ghetto"...NOT any of the "code words"..."phew, something stinks around here" or the "N" word that Mr. Quinlan spelled out on the origional forum...which by the way is why they closed it down. It seems to me that Mr. Quinlan is hell bent on CREATING racial problems where there are NONE. No, I am not a friend of Mr. Smith's, but what I do know of him and about him...Mr. Quinlan is WAY OFF BASE. I think Mr. Quinlan is in part retaliating for being removed from his position. When you really read his letters, and read what is posted on the WMV site as to what happened earlier with the HOA, it all starts to add up. We may not be a perfect neighborhood, but we are a damn good one. The letters on my mailbox have offened me, my family and my neighbors. Some people have even gone as far as to call the police about getting the letters stopped. Let's not encourage Mr. Quinlan's efforts to slander someone unjustly. I'm sure there are some specific people that are really getting a kick out of all this bash Mr. Smith stuff...but encouragement in any way for this individial to act out in such a way is scary and could possibly be dangerous IN MY OPINION. He is like the kid that was bullied or mistreated in school and is now out to prove himself.

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, I agree with Mr. Quinlain. I will glady sign his petition. However, I won't give my proxy vote to him because I want to vote myself to get rid of Smith and Richmond. I am not a friend of Quinlains, so my opinion is based on everything else I have seen the past couple of years. Doesn't it strike you quite odd that every time there is turmoil in the neighborhood, there's a 'certain someone' involved? Last year that same person name called, made accusations against others that were unwarranted, etc. even so far as to say slanderous things. (By the way, those items have been memorialized--I kept screen shots of them all.--I also copied what was on the new website since that certain someone chose to shut down the homeowner forum because it is always removed so that nobody can read it.--By the way, that same person basically, on his own, shut down the forum. ALL Board members did not agree, nor have they agreed with other things, but it's almost like a dictatorship. Also, while we're discussing the Board, don't you think that with over 350 homes in the neighborhood, there could be a 'sharing of the wealth' with officers, etc? Mr. Smith is Board member as well as Treasuer and his wife is Secretary. In addition, BOTH are on most of the committees. I know that others volunteered to help, etc. One household should not be running the entire show.

I honestly think the best thing for the community is to hire a managing group and let them take care of things---I didn't used to want this, but after the past few years, I think that someone else running it would be first of all, more impartial to things and look beyond some issues. In addition and most importantly it would not pit 'neighbor against neighbor' and the community could calm down once again after the past few years' turmoil.

The forum by the way did have a posting by Mr. Smith stating what happened at the August meeting. In that posting, he admitted to saying some things, but of course also saying they were in jest. First of all, a Board meeting is NOT the time/place for such baloney!!! Also, I found it quite interesting to see that Mr. Quinlain's article could not be posted, as well as any other homeowner. However, Mr. Smith is allowed to post his version. That's absolutely ridiculous and quite unfair. Board member or not, he should not have the right to put his thoughts there when others cannot. As far as Mr. Quinlain putting things on mailboxes......if you want to call the post office/cops to have him stop, then anyone who puts a flyer on my mailbox or anyone else's for any other purpose should not be allowed to do so either. At least he had the nerve to sign it....letters were put out last year unsigned and making it sound like the Board had put them there.

My vote is to get rid of two of the Board members. (who knows? maybe a 3rd also because NONE of them ever respond to emails, etc.)

The Ghost Lady said...

Anonymous said...
For what it's worth...

It is worth quite a lot! Hiring a management group is an option that I had completely forgotten about. We first had a management group before the association was turned over to the homeowners and things couldn't have run more smoothly around here, at least as far as there was no one handing out violations and liens just for the sake of bullying the members, no bad blood between neighbors and board officers (or board officers and board officers), no high school'ish "student council" elections, etc. I also agree (and I may be stating the obvious here) that Mr. Quinlan has every right to pass out his letters and call for a special meeting in any way he likes, just as I have a right to speak my mind here in this forum and post the url out next to the garage sale signs. But I also recall that when there was no association within the community, there seemed to be not much community either. I know many, many of my neighbors now that I would never had had the opportunity to meet without the association meetings and meetings on the street corner to bitch about the letters we received. I happen to love that we have a group to organize things like community garage sales and kids fun days. I, for one, think your opinion is well worth the time you took to express it. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with normal, NON aggressive stuff on my mailbox...just not racially charged stuff. Also, a management group might be something to look into, and The Ghost Lady could continue this forum for neighborhood things.

Anonymous said...

Today I went to
The result:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

Looks like the web site is not available. I'm all for freedom of speech. If there's an entry or word posted to the site that is not appropriate, why turn the entire site off? Why not edit or remove the entry? I like this blog because the persons running the HOA can't take it down when they feel like it.

Blog on!

so over wmv hoa said...

There are some words that are used that will ALWAYS have a racial connection to them. Steve Smith admitted to using the word "Ghetto". What I don't understand is why he hasn't come forward and apologized to the Quinlan's and ANYONE elso who may have been offended by the comments, whether intended or not? What I also want to know, Mr Quinlan, is, EXACTLY what occured at the August HOA meeting? Your letter on my mail box was very rambling and I still don't understand what transpired. What was Debbie Richmond's involvment? Did she also make comments? Why have you asked for her removal from the Board as well? And why not Todd Lewis's removal?

Let's just turn this joke of an HOA over to a management company and be done with it!

so over wmv hoa said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The Ghost Lady said...

The last post was removed because it was an exact repeat of the one prior. :o)

so over wmv hoa said...


"Also, while we're discussing the Board, don't you think that with over 350 homes in the neighborhood, there could be a 'sharing of the wealth' with officers, etc? Mr. Smith is Board member as well as Treasuer and his wife is Secretary. In addition, BOTH are on most of the committees. I know that others volunteered to help, etc. One household should not be running the entire show."

Couldn't agree with you more! There were MANY others that volunteered to be a part of the HOA Board.

thatgirl said...

Drewski - I did not have any trouble getting onto the website. You just need your username and password to get there.

ALSO a big thanks to Ghost Lady for starting this up.

Anonymous said...

Ghost Lady,

It is impertinent of any outsider to get involved with our HOA. If you do live in this community, then identify yourself. If there is anyone who knows who this person is, please come forward and identify him or her.

Further, if you are the friends of the Smiths who stopped me while handing out my communiqués, then you definitely do not live here.

This is no joking matter. Harassment or slander of any kind will not be tolerated. I will make our attorney aware of this website.

Terrence Quinlan
1851 Creekview Drive

Anonymous said...

T. Quinlan---do you really believe that Steve Smith is a racist??? Do you have any idea how completely idiotic you come across to the people who really know the ENTIRE Smith family??

Anonymous said...

“But I also recall that when there was no association within the community, there seemed to be not much community either.”

IMO, you don't need an association to build good relationships with neighbors and arrange community functions like neighborhood garage sales, block parties, meal wagons, welcome wagons and such. You just need thoughtful people who consider the feelings of others and take the time to reach out. In our little section of WMV we’ve been taking care of each other in these ways on our own for quite some time.

BTW, our WMV home did not receive any of the afore-mentioned letters on our mailbox, nor did anyone approach us about signing a petition. Not that I’m complaining. Just thought it curious.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Quinlain, I am on 'your side' IF that's what you want to call it...but I am really unclear about your last post. Please explain. By the way, I posted before and did not identify myself, but I definitely am a dues paying member of the HOA.

thatgirl said...

Mr. Q - are you threatening the ghost lady with the lawyer already? !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

A homeowners' association is not supposed to spend money on such things as Kids' Day, Neighborhood parties, etc. While these can be good things, there are only certain things they can use money for---basically to maintain common properties and so on. Therefore, the other activities, if wanted, can be organized by others of us...just some legalities on how monies can be spent.

The Ghost Lady said...

I don't believe I said that the hoa was supposed to spend money on the kids day and block parties (although it wouldn't bother me in the least if they did constructive things like this with any excess), I just found it very nice that they strive to organize such things.

As for your latest post, Mr. Quinlan... Point #1) I most certainly am a dues paying member of this association, otherwise how could I possibly be concerned about someone asking for my proxy vote?

Point #2) (and I feel somewhat ridiculous even going where the HELL do you get off threating me with legal action for voicing my opinion in a public manner after you put a (what could be construed as) somewhat slanderous letter on my mailbox in the first place? Obviously you've heard of freedom of speech because you've already executed this right. But you go right ahead and spend your money on an attorney so he/she can tell you the same.

Point #3) I don't know you and you don't know me and I like it that way! I have not revealed myself to anyone except my family so ask all you want, nobody can answer you with certainty who I really am (insert evil laughter here).

Point #4) As stated before, but I'll repeat it for you so you don't have to scroll or anything, I do know the Smiths, both Steve and Kelli (which is why I found it hard to believe that Steve would make a racially charged comment toward your wife) but I only know them in passing - I feel confident that even they do not know who I am.

and finally, Point #5)If you would bother to read my initial post and others, I have taken no sides to date and firmly believe that if someone on the board had made racially slanderous comments toward you, your wife, or anyone else at a public meeting then they should be dealt with accordingly because that kind of thing should not be tolerated. I just wanted the whole story, which you thus far have failed to give! Although, in your defense, you are the only one who has come forward with ANY type of explanation at all, and thank you for that.

So I will continue this forum because not only did I promise to do so, but because I think it's important to be able to FREELY EXPRESS YOUR OPINIONS about things, don't you?

Anonymous said...


“A homeowners' association is not supposed to spend money on such things as Kids' Day, Neighborhood parties, etc.”

If you look at the 2007 financial documents as posted online, the HOA did not budget or spend any homeowner dues on community events. All community activities can be planned for free or with donated services. It looks to me that the only potential for extra spending and going over budget would be the legal fees for all this nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I was just making a general comment that monies can't be spent on these types of things...not that anyone has, etc...sorry if it sounded like I thought someone was doing so.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Q,

I would like to know something. When you heard that offensive comment that has led to legal action and countless hours on your part typing and handing out fliers, did you say anything at all to Mr. Smith at the meeting to let him or anyone else know that you were offended? Did you get up and walk out?

I feel that IF you were SO offended, and I am assuming you were, you should have directly handled this with Mr. Smith and anyone else involved on the spot. People do handle things face to face. You seem very comfortable about writing and sending things out to the neighborhood, but you didn't stand up and say something there. I can only gather that you have a problem with Mr. Smith stemming from something else.
It seems as though you are mad at the world. You threaten legal action to anyone who doesn't agree with you. That is just ridiculous. I gather your attorney has already told you that.

About your letter......I have never been so offended. Your letter contained "scenarios" and generalities about "all white people." You don't know me! I am furious! I believe that you are guilty of the same thing you accuse Mr. Smith of.

No one is perfect, but I like my neighborhood. I have a multicultural street and they like our neighborhood too.

I am thinking that since you didn't confront these "offensive" people face to face or handle this in a mature manner, that you must be disgruntled about being evicted from being treasurer.

I am a neighbor of the Smith's. Let me just say, they ARE great people, people I am proud to call "friends". In the years I have lived here, I have NEVER heard a racist remark from anyone in their family. We wouldn't tolerate friends to make such comments. Considering they are a multicultural family themselves, I would have been shocked to have heard it.

About the homeowners assoc., Mr. Smith stirred things up last year. Someone needed to. With all the "differences in opinions" last year, I don't believe that any party participated in any personal attacks. If hiring a third party group is what is best, then fine.

By the way, I live on Fawn Meadow and you didn't come to my house or my neighbor's houses. We were home, hoping for a visitor.

Stop the letters in my mailbox!

The Ghost Lady said...

Nope, it didn't sound like that at all, but I thought my earlier comment may have sounded like I thought the money had been spent there so I wanted to make myself clear is all. :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I totally disagree that nobody participated in any personal attacks last year. I have screen shots of the forum from last year and have beaucoup proof that Mr. Smith in fact did personally attack multiple people. Besides, maybe you are one of the Smiths....LOL One never knows.

I have been posting anonymously because I have no google account and don't want one.....I am also new at this and just figuring out what I'm doing, so, I guess I'll just 'sign' as I write..... Esor

The Ghost Lady said...

Welcome Esor! I don't recall what all was said last year on the forum but I do know that I stopped reading when it started making me angry - wasn't worth it at that point.

Anonymous said...

I am not a member of the Smith family.

If things did get personal last year, I wasn't aware of it. You obviously know more than I do, so I will defer to you on that.

I am just offended and upset. I am upset that my child got the letter out of my mailbox and wanted to know what Mr. Q meant by "every white person will eventually....". I had to explain that Mr. Q was definitely wrong. That letter was the most vile, disgusting thing I have ever read! I am upset that a homeowners assoc. disagreement has gone so far as to upset my children. I am not board member and have never been one.

Let me pose a scary thought.....Next year, when it comes to running for office, who will WANT to run and get involved with ALL OF THIS? I know one person who will, Mr. Q. But then I ask myself, why would he want to represent a neighborhood in which he "hates?" I believe he said that "if I could move away without causing financial hardships, believe me I would."
Who will be strong enough and have enough patience to deal with someone who obviously has an anger "issue?"

This isn't what my family signed up for when we moved here. I am glad that my neighbors and I are happy and get along. We get together often with our children and enjoy being a resident of Mill Valley.

I hope that the next board members enjoy living here too or at least want to make it better by working WITH people.

I won't be posting further comments. I just wanted to say what was on my mind.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Todd, and thank you Anon. Same thing I posted earlier! As for SOME OF THE POSTS, and I stress SOME... describing last years turmoils, if Steve was involved then you equally were most likely too. No one here is so blind to the fact that old board members didn't get along...some didn't get voted back in, or your "arch enemy" did...blah, blah, blah. That is history, let it go. Sometimes, we all need to understand that our opinion isn't shared by everone and not let it make us bitter people.

Anonymous said...

I'm not the one who brought up all of last year's stuff, but I agree that it's somewhat related. I agree with anon. that it almost always goes back to one person and I was not personally involved. You say to let it go. I think we can let it go when all of the disruptive behavior stops and doesn't keep bringing up more turmoil. Also, this forum is for people to speak their minds so if they bring up something that they feel is related, it is their perogative.

Anonymous said...

I didn't post about last year because I have an arch enemy---quite the contrary. I was just referring to what I read on the old forum and finally got tired of seeing so didn't go on and read it any more. While I know you have a right to your opinion, I'd appreciate you not making suggestions about me when you have no idea. I wasn't involved in anything. Perhaps I should leave this forum as well. Thanks for your input. Esor

Anonymous said...

I was trying to make it clear that I wasn't making a comment about anyone in particular...just saying that there was more than one person involved in everything in the years past. After re-reading my post, I see where it looked that way. I apologize if you felt I was trying to single you out, that wasn't my intention. I too look forward to more peaceful days ahead.

Anonymous said...

Anon.....thanks and I apologize if I took it wrong. I too look forward to 'peace'. Toodles for the night all!

Anonymous said...

Controversy and Smith in the same sentence. Well isn't that a freakin' shocker. Yeah...we are so much better off that the previous boards.

Sorry...I am being interrupted...what is that Yoda?..'The Great Unifier he was to be'...'much to learn he does'...'divider he is'...'association blind they are.'

The little green guy does have a point. Wise you are Yoda...see past the trees you do...or would that be...see past the six foot fences with a ladder you do. :)

Anonymous said...

Mr.TQ is a man with a lot of problems. I consider him with serious racial problems. I would love to hear if his wife really thought the word "ghetto" was aimed at her. I bet not. As no one in this area lives in a real ghetto, we should be more compassionate to those who do. The real "ghettos" are not only black people but many races that just happen to not have good jobs and nice houses like we do. This "ghetto joking" has been circulating since we moved here in 1999. It had to do with $100,000 houses instead of 300,000 dollar houses, not races. We first heard it from a man on Mill Valley, like I said in 99 and we laughed about it. He had asked us where we lived, we told him and he said Oh, you live in the ghetto! We laughed and it was over. We knew he was talking about the price of houses,(we also knew he was teasing) how come Mr. T doesn't get that. No, his always boils down to race! I came from a multiracial family and it seems that some people (including some in my own family) just don't know how to handle being married outside their race. It is not an easy thing to deal with yet, but thank the Lord, with the new generations coming up, I think it will be a thing of the past before too awful long. Mr. T there are a lot of toes that you stepped on in this community. There are a lot of people just like you that are married outside of their race or have mixed families, including Mr.Smith's. There hasn't been a problem with race in this community until this, that I have heard of. Please keep your problems to yourself and stop trying to cause trouble with everyone else. We all like each other for the most part. It is one of the best small towns left. If you don't like it here, find some place where you are comfortable.

Anonymous said...

Yoda??? Are you SERIOUS??? Nicely put "anonymous". I couldn't have said it better myself. I like our small town too. I too also wonder if Mr. Q realizes that Mr. Smith has a multi raced family. What a misunderstanding!!! Hopefully we will all move passed this soon and get back to happier times.

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Q was serious, he would have posted letters on every home. He would have gone to every home with his petition. If he was serious, he'd be sure to know that it takes 2/3 of all homeowners to get something new passed.

Many of us did not get a letter or get the petition. This indicates to me that Mr. Q was just out to get revenge for being let go from the treasurer's position.

Anonymous said...

My first and most likely only post here.
1. & 2. Esor, Rose?. . .creative. More than one person can post anonymously. See, I can too:)
3. Money? Talk to the district, but please don't complain about the teachers asking for $6 for a field trip that your child will most likely remember more than anything else done this year. Instead, take a moment to imagine the teachers that spend out of pocket money to make sure your children have lunch money when you forget and never think twice about it, who purchase extra sets of super-warm gloves to keep in the room for when yours have been left behind, who buy pencils and folders for the students who cannot afford such simple items, who pay taxes for the school district for which they work and another set for where they live. Imagine the exasperation that teacher feels getting a note from a parent that their child is allergic to chalkdust and that same teacher knows that ink from generic dry-erase markers ruin the white boards that are expensive to order while trying to make a budget meet the 15 resource reading booklets to better your child's literacy rate. If you have questions, approach the teacher and ask. You may even be able to help. They may be able to help you. If you are truly broke, there are scholarships offered by nearly all districts to pay for things like camp and field trips.
4. I am not a personal friend of the Smith family. I do however, support them whole-heartedly on this racially charged debate. There's just no way, no how. Give me a break.
5. Completely separate note - does no one else remember being approached by people with 2 petitions in a previous year? One to change voting and one to remove the board? Mr. Q is doing nothing original other than firing the idea up with more insults, slander, and threats. It's becoming a spitting match that is turning train wreck.
6. We had smaller activities in our community before all of this began, planned and financed by ourselves without doubts of control or board spending. We did great on our own with a management group and still "managed" to build a safe, close, and considerate community.
7. On a final note, would anyone else like to see the pond filled or sold? E-Bay...?

Anonymous said...

If you meant is my name Rose, then oops, sorry, you goofed. LOL Esor is a nickname from waaaaay back. I wouldn't like to see the pond filled, but I'd sure like to see it taken care of properly. There are several people posting on here anonymously so I'm not sure when I used my nickname it was a problem. Have a great weekend everyone.

The Ghost Lady said...

Never a problem to use a nickname Esor! Matter of fact, with a nickname you can post anonymously all you want (nobody knows who the Ghost Lady is, I don't think..hehe) but folks will be able to decipher your posts from the rest of the anonymous ones. I for one appreciate the nicknames, but I have the option to make it so that everyone has to sign in with a nick before posting and I opted to allow anyone to post however they want. Keep on posting Esor!!

Anonymous said...

Esor - Sorry! It's a mystery and was worth a shot:) You're lucky - I would be banned if I posted what most people called me long ago (admittingly deserved)!

Wasn't meant to be my one and only post after all. On a positive note and looking at the impending Fall. . . we have now 3 beautiful new school buildings, new blood in builders encouraging buyers, and a large amount of homeowners outside on a gorgeous day finishing home improvement projects while the children play! Whoo-hoo! Can't wait to start seeing those scarecrows on front porches! Living the dream, folks! Enjoy!